Saturday, June 29, 2013

Board exam number 2 is coming...

...which means more blogging due to the necessary study breaks.

So, I've started making mojitos for the first time and decided I probably don't need, but could definitely use, a muddler. Which then led me to the Crate and Barrel website. Which then led me to think, "The first thing I am going to do when I have a real job is go shopping at Crate and Barrel."

For now, feel free to window shop with me.

And in all honestly, I probably won't actually wait until I have a "big girl" job.

And I didn't wait to buy these.I actually just ordered a whole set...!

I'm partial to the Pilsners glass, I'm certain I'd drink every one of my beers out of it
I've always wanted to make bulk....
A staple.

To keep the mint fresh for the mojitos of course! ...if I tried to grow it, I know it'd die.

I've always wanted a decanter. And a really big, fat wine glass.
This chair is just asking to be sat in. It also conveniently doubles as a twin bed .
Probably my favorite color. And it's on a couch!