Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brought to you by Prius

This was a fabulous weekend. And I got to drive a fun little red Prius from fun thing to fun thing. My poor Focus is still in the shop...And when all is said and down, I'll be about $900 dollars in the hole. I highly recommend hiding your phone when driving to avoid the temptation of distraction. It can be expensive.

I made the trip to East Lansing where I met up with an old friend, my high school Young Life leader, Betsy. She and her boyfriend are both med students and we all share a very similar vision for where God is leading us in our future as docs. I can't really explain how much I loved talking with them. Betsy and I haven't been in touch for about 6 or 7 years, but you wouldn't have known. It was one of those moments where the interconnectedness of life makes me really, really happy. I was able to share about CCHF and CCDA, plus, I'll get to see them again in Louisville for round 3 of the Global Missions Health Conference. It was fun to say, "See you next month," as we said goodbye.

I was able to spend time with Heather that night, she's an amazing hostess...and then made my way down to Royal Oak to visit my dear Lindsey, newly engaged, and as always, so much fun to laugh and talk with. Then, I spent the evening with Alex and Bre in Northville where we went to church, made a delicious meal,  and ran the next morning. An amazing run, it hardly felt long or hard. Those are the best. Oh, and I was introduced to the wonderful thing that is Trader Joe's. Big fan.

Knowing the transiency of my time here makes me less motivated to stick around on the weekends. Especially when good times with awesome people happen outside of the 48708 zip code.

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