Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Gray

So much has happened since the last time I wrote. If only I'd taken the time to write every time I thought, I don't want to forget this. But alas, life is too short to dwell on the should haves and what ifs.

I attended the CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) conference in Minneapolis, MN last weekend. Minneapolis is a cool city. The conference was wonderful. I ran into my friends from Benton Harbor, caught up with Natalie over a coffee, stayed in a hostel, packed only one small backpack for the entire trip, discovered the food truck craze, spent time traveling and discussing how transforming the message of the Gospel is with Nancy, worshiped in different languages, heard stories about Native Americans, Palestinians and Israelis, and kids in prison that made me anxious for the coming of God's Kingdom, experienced Chicago at was wonderful. It made me want to be a pediatrician again...can you imagine doing house calls as a pediatrician? Kinda cool, right? We'll see...

While there, I also picked up a book Reborn on the Fourth of July by Logan Mehl-Laituri. It talks about the challenge of faith, patriotism, and conscience. After joining the military as a future Air Force doc in 2010, I've been challenged by friends, books, like Irresistible Revolution, and stories told by those involved in war to consider the role of Christians in times of war. More importantly, I've been challenged to examine whether my true loyalty stands with God or America by virtue of my actions, not just my words. So far this book has exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it to anyone, whether in the military or not.

I like answers. Answers that are clear cut and straight forward. The conference gave me a lot to think about. Another thing I've been thinking a lot about is how medicine is best practiced. Every doctor has a different way of doing the same thing. But more and more I am learning that life is gray, not black and white. Be it in the question of peace and war or the practice of medicine. This verse in John 16:33 has been my go to lately. Christ tells his disciples, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Three other quick noteworthy events:

1. I rear-ended a Yukon in my little Focus. In case you were wondering it happened on a Monday. It was a sad day.

2. The other pictures are from a spontaneous Sunday drive I took to Port Austin, MI. I went hiking at the state park, met an awesome older couple from Austrailia who were so excited I was studying osteopathy--we talked about the documentary Forks Over Knives and agreed that what people need is more nature in their lives.

3. While on my road trip I drove accidentally (well, sort of accidentally, sort of on purpose) onto private property where I met a family that was nice enough to let me hike back onto their property to get an up close view of  this beautiful, miraculous piece of nature. How trees grow on that rock is beyond me.

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