Monday, November 14, 2011

Information Overload

I want to read/am reading too many books right now. And instead of going book by book, I'm reading them all at once. Which means I'll read a chapter or two out of each and won't finish single one. Should I switch strategies? Yes. Will I? Probably not. In fact, I'm embarrased to admit how long I've been "reading" these books are a few

 Miracles at Tenwek by David Stevens

 Preach and Heal by Charles Fielding

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

How Doctors Think by  Jerome Groopman

My heart feels like it's being pulled in every direction. Not in an anxious way. But more of an excited, Christmas morning feeling kind of way. Not just in a book sorta way, but in a I big picture what am I gonna be when I grow up kinda way.

This weekend I spent some time in Louisville, KY for the Global Missions Health Conference. I wish you could have been there to hear Charles Fielding speak. Have you ever heard him? He's with his family over (literally all over) the 1040 window. His sense of urgency for sharing the Gospel is contagious. The 1040 window is a term missionary Luis Bush used to describe area between 10 nad 40 degress north of the equater. An area with the most socioeconomic difficulty and least access to any Christian resources....a church, a disciple, a Bible, etc.

I wish you could have been there. I tried explaining the weekend to people who weren't there. It's impossible. I got off the phone with my parents last night and felt like after an hour and a half I still hadn't really conveyed the conviction, passion or excitement I felt.

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