Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Lottery

There are hospitals all over MI that the 300+ members of our class can choose from to do their 3rd and 4th years of medcial school for clinical rotations. Unfortunately, there are only so many spots at each one, so for the more competitive locations and programs, the spots "go to lottery."

It was a weird night, a night of pulling names out of a silver bowl...a night of crying and cheering and anticipation. I'm not kidding. My first choice was Munson Medical Center. There were 5 spots and 6 people. I was the one person not picked. Bummer.

But, not too much of a bummer. My second choice, which I got!, was Bay Regional Medical Center in Bay City, MI.

It's essentially the same program just not up north. There may even be a little more rural, underserved kind of medicine I'll get to experience there, which is great! It's also closer to home, where a handful of my friends will be, including Erin!, and even has the potential to provide free housing! ...I'm thinking with all the $$ I'd save, I could go on some awesome vacation before residency starts! Erin and I were thinking Alaska...or maybe Hawaii...or maybe New Zealand. But, we'll see :) It's fun finally having a place to associate with the rest of med school.

Here it is in picture form:
And here is some fun facts about it:
Emergency Visits Annually 40056
Inpatient Discharges 17254
Licensed Beds 415
OB Deliveries Annually 1008
Outpatient Visits 292170
Surgeries Annually 11483
Teaching Attendings 189


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